Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Being Rich vs. Being Famous

Every individual wished that they could be either rich or famous. But most of them desire to attain both. This is the pushing force that drags other people to strive and work harder but they never spend their time to put their thoughts, into the meaning and significance of these building blocks of life. Most famous people are probably rich but there are some very big differences between the two terms. Being rich or being famous can be compare by types, social status and the future.
People in this world are just different from each other, ranging from size, background, intelligence and various other factors. Therefore, you also have different types of rich individual and famous person.  Some types of famous people are actors and actress, singers, broadcasters, professional gamers, models, producers, tuition teachers, basically anyone can be famous. The same thing goes with being rich, people who work hard, life insurance policies of their family members dying, the lucky one who hit the jackpot or being rich in illegal way. These are just a few of the different example you can find in a free society.
People who are famous and rich have different social status too. This is because of climbing the social ladder, usually there are a lot of things should be considered. Those are money, family, who you know and how you came across your money or fame. Famous politician and movie stars is not likely with each other even that both of them are famous. A movie star normally gains admiration, while famous politician will gain wide range of fans only while they are in the limelight. Billionaire and millionaires are at the top of social status but they are hardly famous because they are not famous by virtue of being presented to the younger trend right now. A famous actor can have a higher social status if he is more famous than a private millionaire.

The ironic part of being rich and being famous can lose everything at any moment in their future. However a famous person loses their fame, they are usually still famous at some other means. On the other hand, the phrase “fifteen minutes of fame” is very true. The entertainment industries often make one famous while dropping another one in a while. But then rich people who lose their money they can gain it back through hard work or applying the same strategies which brought them success. Money can be taken away and be brought back but being famous can only be diminished.

As a conclusion, being rich and being famous is two different things. Just because of you are reach does not mean that you are famous. money make you rich it does not make you famous.

By Lim Yong Sheng

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